Friday, June 29, 2012


6 Social Media Pain Points and What To Do About Them

This is a great article on some of the downsides of Social Media. We are so concerned about what we can do with it, we don't realize that it can hinder us sometimes too. It's a great read. Check it out.

6 Social Media Pains

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

LinkedIn Updates

This is a video that came out explaning how LinkedIn just started "allowing company page admins to target page status updates to specific users". This video is really worth viewing. It's a quick instruction guide that explains how the changes work.

LinkedIn Video


This is actually an infographic about an infographic. It really gives alot of visual detail, and explains every aspect of an infographic. A must read for public relations, marketing, advertising, etc.persons! I really like how they incorporated everything about an infographic while still tying them into business objectives.

Infographic on Infographics

Monday, June 25, 2012

Award Winning Digital Marketing Campaign

This video is an example of an award winning digital marketing campaign. It really shows some great examples of Digital Marketing tactics and how useful and effective they were. Check it out.

Digital Marketing Campaign

Web Challeges for Managers

This article is great because it shows some of the problems that managers may have when using digital marketing. Some of the points they go over are digital marketing and marketing to multiple platforms. This article really gives some great advice, and is worth a read before you digitally market anything.

Six Challenges for Online Managers

Friday, June 22, 2012

Don't Be Lazy With Digital Marketing

Don't Be Lazy

This is a great article on how not be lazy when it comes to Digital Marketing. Don't take advantage of your target market's instant acess to the internet. Just because your brand and information are out there, doesn't mean the consumer knows what it is, how to use it, etc.Check it out!